- Trade name
- Oita Mining Co., Ltd.
- Date of Establishment
- December 1954
- Head Office
- 5045 Kamiaoe, Tsukumi-shi, Oita Japan
Phone : +81 972-82-3171 Facsimile : +81 972-82-3174
- Coast office
- 2-25 Gonomotomachi , Tsukumi-shi, Oita Japan
Phone : +81 972-82-2630 Facsimile : +81 972-82-0157
- Paid-in Capital
- 90million
- Shareholders
- Furukawa Co., LTD. 50%
Mitsubishi UBE Cement Corporation 25%
Tokuyama Corporation 25%
- Number of Employees
- 33 (as of 31st March, 2023)
- Businesses
- Mining and sales of limestone
- History
- 1954 Oita Mining was established through a joint venture between Furukawa Mining (currently Furukawa Co., Ltd.) and Hokoku Cement (currently Mitsubishi Materials Corporation).
1957 Started operations - Production capacity 50,000 tons/month
1959 Participation in the management of Tokuyama Soda (currently Tokuyama)
1962 Expanded production capacity to 100,000 tons/month
1967 Started bench cut use as part of the glory hole rib ore processing, increased production capacity to 200,000 tons/month
1971 Full-scale switch to bench cut
1972 Started cooperative mining with neighboring companies
1976 Extended coastal pier, increased ship loading capacity to 1,800 tons/hour
2000 Completed equipment for unmanned operation of upper transport line, completed private power generation facilities. Completed construction work for the lower transport line belt conveyor.
2009 Started operation of raw material washing equipment
2013 Completed the eastern outlet facility